Information Concepts
The word `information’ is used commonly in our day to day
working. In MIS, information has a precise meaning and it is different from
data. The information has a value in
decision making while data does not have.
Information brings clarity and creates an intelligent human response in
the mind. In MIS a clear distinction is made between data and information. Data is like raw materials while the information is equivalent to the finished goods produced after processing the raw material. Information has certain characteristics. These are:
The quality of information could be called good or bad
depending on the mix of these characteristics. Information Presentation
Presentation of the information is an art. The data may be
collected in the best possible manner and processed analytically, bringing lot
of value in the information; however, if it not presented properly, it may fail
to communicate anything of value to the receiver. The degree of communication is
affected by the methods of transmission, the manner of information handling and
the limitation and constraints of a receiver as the information user. The methods used for improving communication are
summarization and message routing. The concept of summarization is user to
provide information which is needed in the form and content. The information can
be summarized in a number of ways as shown in Table below. The principle behind summarization is that too much
information causes noises and distortions, i.e., confusion, misunderstanding and
missing and purpose. The
summarization suppresses the noise and the distortions. Table: Information Summarization
Another method of improving the degree of communication is
through message routing. The principle here is to distribute information to all
those who are accountable for the subsequent actions or decisions in any manner.
That is if the information is generate with a certain purpose for a primary
user, the information may have secondary purposes to some other users in the
organization. This is achieved by sending the copies of the reports or documents
to all the concerned people or users. The principle of the message routing
achieves the spread of information to the appropriate quarters. Knowledge is a power and an intelligent person in the
organization can misuse this power to achieve personal goals undermining the
functional and organizational goals. This tendency should be curbed. Further,
the decision maker may call for the information on the grounds that, just in
case required, he should readily have it. Apart from the misuse of information,
it has an impact on the cost of information processing.